Tim Birks

Professor of Physics

Email: v1tbirks@exseed.ed.ac.uk

Tim is a Professor of Physics at the University of Bath. He is interested in how light travels along optical fibres, and in designing and making fibres so that the light travels in new and unusual ways. Examples include fibres that change along their lengths (eg tapered fibres), split and combine to form new waveguides (eg photonic lanterns), or incorporate patterns of air holes and other material variations across their structures (eg photonic crystal fibres and multi-core fibres). We gain understanding of these things by theory and simulations, and also by the use of our experimental facilities for fabricating fibres and post-processing them. This leads to benefits for applications such optical telecommunication, medical sensing and imaging, and astronomical instrumentation.


Molecular detection of Gram-positive bacteria in the human lung through an optical fiber–based endoscope (2020).
Mills B, Megia-Fernandez A, Norberg D, Duncan S, Marshall A, Akram AR, Quinn T, Young I, Bruce AM, Scholefield E, Williams GOS, Krstajić N, Choudhary TR, Parker HE, Tanner MG, Harrington K, Wood HAC, Birks TA, Knight JC, Haslett C, Dhaliwal K, Bradley M, Ucuncu M, Stone JM. 


Endoscopic sensing of alveolar pH (2016).
Choudhury D, Tanner MG, McAughtrie S, Yu F, Mills B, Choudhary TR, Seth S, Craven TH, Stone JM, Mati IK, Campbell CJ , Bradley M, Williams CKI, Dhaliwal K, Birks TA, Thomson RR. | PubMed

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