Gareth Williams
Chancellors Fellow in Translational Healthcare Technology
Email: G.O.S.Williams@ed.ac.uk
Gareth has a background in physical chemistry, in particular optical spectroscopy of photochemical and fluoresence systems. With a PhD specialising in sensing using photonic crystal fibers from the University of Edinburgh in association with the Max Plank Institute for the Science of Light, he specialises in buiding novel opto-mechancal solutions to complex scientific problems.
After his PhD, Gareth moved onto several diverse areas of optical spectroscopy device development cumulating in the formation of a startup company to deliver his designs from prototypes to delivered products. Within the THT Group, Gareth helps deliver exciting new tools for sensing in the distal lung.
Environmentally sensitive photosensitizers enable targeted photodynamic ablation of Gram-positive antibiotic resistant bacteria (2023)
Benson S, Kiang A, Lochenie C, Lal N, Mohanan SMPC, Williams GOS, Dhaliwal K, Mills B, Vendrell M.
FluoroPi Device With SmartProbes: A Frugal Point-of-Care System for Fluorescent Detection of Bacteria From a Pre-Clinical Model of Microbial Keratitis (2023)
Mohanan SMPC, Russell K, Duncan S, Kiang A, Lochenie C, Duffy E, Kennedy S, Prajna NV, Williams RL, Dhaliwal K, Williams GOS, Mills B.
Specific in situ immuno-imaging of pulmonary-resident memory lymphocytes in human lungs (2023)
Humphries DC, O’Connor RA, Stewart HL, Quinn TM, Gaughan EE, Mills B, Williams GOS, Stone JM, Finlayson K, Chabaud-Riou M, Boudet F, Dhaliwal K, Pavot V.
Fibroblast Activation Protein specific optical imaging in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (2022).
Mathieson L, O’Connor R A, Stewart H, Shaw P, Dhaliwal K, Williams G, Megia-Fernandez A, Akram A R.
Deep Learning-Assisted Co-registration of Full-Spectral Autofluorescence Lifetime Microscopic Images with H&E-Stained Histology Images (2022).
Wang Q, Fernandes S, Williams G, Finlayson N, Akram A R, Dhaliwal K, Hopgood J R, Vallejo M.
Full spectrum fluorescence lifetime imaging with 0.5 nm spectral and 50 ps temporal resolution (2021)
Williams GOS, Williams E, Finlayson N, Erdogan AT, Wang Q, Fernandes S, Akram AR, Dhaliwal K, Henderson RK, Girkin JM, Bradley M.
Fernandes S, Williams G, Williams E, Ehrlich K, Stone J, Finlayson N, Bradley M, Thomson RR, Akram AR, Dhaliwal K.
Deep Learning in ex-vivo Lung Cancer Discrimination using Fluorescence Lifetime Endomicroscopic Images (2020).
Wang Q, Hopgood JR, Finlayson N, Williams GO, Fernandes S, Williams E, Akram A, Dhaliwal K, Vallejo M
Molecular detection of Gram-positive bacteria in the human lung through an optical fiber–based endoscope (2020).
Mills B, Megia-Fernandez A, Norberg D, Duncan S, Marshall A, Akram AR, Quinn T, Young I, Bruce AM, Scholefield E, Williams GOS, Krstajić N, Choudhary TR, Parker HE, Tanner MG, Harrington K, Wood HAC, Birks TA, Knight JC, Haslett C, Birks TA, Knight JC, Haslett C, Dhaliwal K, Bradley M, Ucuncu M, Stone JM.
Genetic variation and potential for genetic improvement of cuticle deposition on chicken eggs (2019).
Dunn I, Woolliams J, Wilson P, Icken W, Cavero D, Jones A, Quinlan-Pluck F, Williams G, Olori V, Bain, M M.
Low-cost high sensitivity pulsed endomicroscopy to visualize tricolor optical signatures (2018)
Krstajić N, Mills B, Murray I, Marshall A, Norberg D, Craven TH, Emanuel P, Choudhary TR, Williams GOS, Scholefield E, Akram AR, Davie A, Hirani N, Bruce A, Moore A, Bradley M, Dhaliwal K.